Monday, 11 March 2013

Things that work...


Today, we thought we would write about the Hadar Alumni Shabbaton. This involved over 100 former and current students of Yeshivat Hadar descending on the Stamford Hilton (as the sign outside the town said: "Stamford—the city that works"). I wanted to start by reminiscing on the awesomeness of almost constant eating and/or davening. A room full of really committed, experienced people doing the shabbat morning service was something really not to be missed.


You're right, the davening throughout the weekend was really fantastic! I've never been at a more enthusiastic, engaged and song filled Sunday morning shacharit. It was also great to see the diversity and strength of the Hadar alumni community. People flew in from all over the country (which in America means they came a really long way). The faculty came without their families seemingly to spend the weekend almost continuously answering halakhic, religious and personal questions from their alumni.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Marbim beSimcha?


We, like everyone else in the Jewish world, 'had' Purim this weekend. I had a wonderful time. Jeremy, did not. He doesn't like Purim. He says this is because he doesn't like the things about Purim that are 'fun'. But I think it's something more significant and important, that can tell us something about the nature of Purim itself.


This is true, there are many things about Purim that I don't like: things like fun, gift-giving and -receiving, drunkenness, dressing up and a general lack of structure. I like structure. I had a lovely time on the Sunday morning at the sedate Kehilat Hadar megillah reading. Not too much fun, just a good service and good reading.